Friday, October 29, 2010

Size 0 debate? I think it's stupid

Heh, I just finished watching Britain's Next Top Model on Star World and I was like; what the fudge? One of the most top stylist asked one of the models *i don't remember her name* about her opinion on the titled "Size 0 Debate" Well, let me give you a piece of my mind. Being a skinny walking stick isn't what I call 'beautiful'. I'm not trying to be a f*** ass but, try imagining a stick wearing clothes. Stupid, I know. I know that there was once a trend to consider that slim means beautiful. But some women took that phrase just too far. In their desire to look really slim, women even have gone for the zero figure trends but what abt health huh? Many women try to imitate skinny catwalk models. Today the fact is that looking at such emaciated faces on faces of magazines and televisions could be disheartening for many of us *I think so*. For long these skinny models have been long live-victims of eating disorders. In fact some of them are so malnourished that they even remind us of the starving kids back in Somalia! =.= It's best if you think twice before gulping on those diet pills you buy from Guardian or Watson cause you could end up looking like the seh-tu-pidd woman on the picture here muahaha >:)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

'WELCOME' Mister Poco

Welcome to Mr. Poco, our new Abdul's family member
Hey kitty cat, get this; I DON'T like you fatty garfield-like kitty cat. No, it's not that I'm cat-racism, I just don't like you. Don't get me wrong that I'm writing about you here in my blog. I was out of topic so I thought you'd like to say hello to my readers xD haha have fun in my house okay Poco? Behave well and don't pee all over the house nor the carpet or I'll invent cat tempura :D

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, haben eine große man zu Vetter!
I'm not sure if I did get it right haha. Have a great one too, I'll try to give you a great present if we meet okay? :D Love you Timmo ♥

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ahmad Mukhris Ahmad Mahathir

Selamat tinggal cousin, I hope you'll be okay and fine in New Zealand next week :'( Sorry I haven't been the nicest nor the greatest cousin ever. Take care of yourself, I don't want to be all 'maklong' or 'uncle dad' but don't talk to strangers or receive anything given by untrusted people okay? Don't go partying all night and day like you do here. Malaysia and New Zealand are two different places. I hope and pray you'll never forget me nor us and I hope you'll always browse through the picture album I gave you even though it's not the best present you received last night on your doa selamat and farewell party, but hope it's enough to tell you how much I love you cousin. All the best and again, don't forget us here in your hometown and birth place. I promise I'll treasure all our moments. I promise. I love you and I'm going to miss you........badly.


You promised me you're not going to leave me again. You promised me you'll going to be there for me all the time. You promised me you're going to hold my hand every time I'm in need. You promised me you'll be supportive if anything happens. You promised me you'll always keep in touch with me. I missed you, really missed you but where were you? You lied didn't you? This was the third time you neglected me. Haihh :/

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nyuuu nyuuu nyuuu ♥

LEMBU PENYEK, the nickname she attached me to. All because I loveeee doing this face -__- Hunny, I love you so much much :D Seriously from the bottom to the of my heart, I miss you. Gihihi, and I'm sorry for all of my mistakes that might of have hurted you in many varieties of angle. Oh, how I missed talking to you about life and yr piercing and stuffs haha xD Btw, bila nak jumpa ni? Berkedut I tunggu nak berjumpa, tunggu masa nak berjanggut je nii :D

I love you Summer hunny ♥